NavHere allows you to give rockstar directions to any location. Send a photo with NavHere and the recipient can navigate directly to the GPS location where the photo was taken.
Use NavHere to:
- Send your friends the precise location where you would like to meet
- Effortlessly share your favorite places
- Save photos/locations of places you discover and navigate to them
- Send a photo to show others what they are missing - they might join you now that they have directions
- Share your photos to Facebook
- Do anything that requires you to easily communicate a location
Unlike other navigation apps, NavHere does not track you. Only directions to the place where you took the photo are sent and not where you are right now.
NavHere enables you to navigate to your destination or view the location on a map. Explaining where you are via screenshots and texts/calls can now be a thing of the past.
NavHere is free to download. Get your copy of NavHere and never give directions again!
We are constantly working to make NavHere better. Please contact [email protected] with any suggestions or issues.
Thank you for using NavHere.